4 stores. 17 transactions.
Out of Pocket cost: $4.22
Sale price of all items: $214.60
Retail price of all items: $373.27
Total savings is 98%! (off sale price)
Started with only $5.99 in ECB. Ended with $14 in ECB. The 4 boxes of Cocoa Krispies also have Cars 2 codes on them. You can submit 4 codes online and Kellogg's will mail you a $5.00 gas card! So although I spent $4.22 I'll earn $5.00 back in a gas card.
I'm posting the trip break down by each CVS card. It would just be too confusing to post the actual transactions in the order they were completed since it was kind of all over the place.
Everything is currently on sale this week (9/11-9/17) except for the Kellogg's cereal and Purex. The sale on those ended 9/10. But you could easily substitute other items for these since they didn't produce any ECB.
Card One - Started with $5.99 ECB
Transaction 1
Rephresh Tampons 18 ct - 6.79
Chewy Sweet Tarts - .50
- 1.00 Rephresh MQ
- 5.99 ECB
Total = .32. Earned $6.79 in ECB.
Transaction 2
Purex Laundry Detergent - 1.99
2 Dawn Hand Renewal Dish Soap - .99 each
Softsoap Bodywash - 2.99
4 Air Wick Compact Fresheners - 4.99 each
2 Dove Dark Chocolate (BOGO) - 1.19 each
CVS Allergy Medicine - 3.69
- 5/20 Purchase CVS Q
- .79 Dove CVS Q
- 6.79 ECB (from Transaction 1)
- 4.00 Airwick Compact Air Fresheners MQ x 4
- .75 Softsoap MQ
- .75 Dawn Dish Soap MQ x 2
Total = 1.03. Earned 10.00 ECB for Air Wick, 4.00 ECB for CVS Allergy, 2.00 ECB for Softsoap (16.00 total)
Transaction 3
4 Cocoa Krispie - 2.00 each
Purex Laundry Detergent - 1.99
2 Hershey Air Delight - .99 each
Aussie Gel - 2.99
Playtex Tampons 36 ct - 7.99
- 4/20 Purchase CVS Q
- .99 Hersheys MQ BOGO
- 1.00/2 Kellogg's Cereals MQ x 2
- 1.00 Playtex CVS Q
- 2.00 Playtex MQ
- 1.00 Aussie MQ
- 10.00 ECB (Air Wick, T2)
- 2.00 ECB (Softsoap, T2)
Total = .10. Earned 1.00 ECB for Aussie and 3.00 ECB for Playtex
Transaction 4
Ritz Crackerfuls - 2.50
- 2.50 Free Crackerfuls CVS Q
Total = 0.00.
Ended night with 8.00 ECB from Card 1.
Card Two - Started with no ECB
Transaction 1
4 Air Wick Compact Air Fresheners - 4.99 each
Dove Candy - 1.19
- 4.00 Air Wick MQ x 4
- .79 Dove CVS Q
- 4/20 Purchase CVS Q
Total = .38. Earned 10.00 ECB for Air Wick
Transaction 2
Chewy Sweet Tarts - .50
Rephresh Tampons 18 ct - 6.79
CVS Allergy Medicine - 3.69
- 1.00 Rephresh MQ
- 10.00 ECB (Air Wick, T1)
Total = 0.00. Earned 6.79 ECB for Rephresh and 4.00 ECB for CVS Allergy
Transaction 3
Skippy Peanut Butter - 1.67
Softsoap Bodywash - 2.99
Aussie Hairspray - 2.99
Playtex Tampons 36 ct - 7.99
- 6.79 ECB (Rephresh, T2)
- 4.00 ECB (CVS Allergy, T2)
- 1.00 Playtex CVS Q
- 2.00 Playtex MQ
- .75 Softsoap MQ
- 1.00 Aussie MQ
Total = .11. Earned 1.00 ECB from Aussie, 2.00 ECB from Softsoap and 3.00 ECB for Playtex.
Transaction 4
Ritz Crackerfuls - 2.50
- 2.50 Free Crackerfuls CVS Q
Total = 0.00.
Ended night with 6.00 ECB for Card 2.
Card Three - Started with no ECB
Transaction 1
4 Air Wick Compact Air Fresheners - 4.99 each
- 4.00 Air Wick MQ x 4
- 4/20 Purchase CVS Q
Total = 0.00. Earned 10.00 ECB for Air Wick
Transaction 2
Rephresh Tampons 18 ct - 6.79
CVS Allergy Medicine - 3.69
- 1.00 Rephresh MQ
- 10.00 ECB (Air Wick, T1)
Total = 0.00. Earned 6.79 ECB for Rephresh and 4.00 ECB for CVS Allergy.
Transaction 3
4 Sprite 12 pk - 3.25 each
Lucky Charms - 2.00
- 6.79 ECB (Rephresh, T2)
- 4.00 ECB (CVS Allergy, T2)
- 3/15 Purchase CVS Q
Total = 1.28. Earned 3.00 ECB for Sprite.
Transaction 4
2 Skippy Peanut Butter - 1.67 each
- 3.00 ECB (Coke, T3)
Total = .34
Card Four
Transaction 1
4 Air Wick Compact Air Fresheners - 4.99 each
Kraft Mac & Cheese - 1.37
- 1.30 Kraft MQ
- 4.00 Air Wick MQ x 4
- 4/20 Purchase CVS Q
Total = .09. Earned 10.00 ECB for Air Wick
Transaction 2
Rephresh Tampons 18 ct - 6.79
CVS Allergy Medicine - 3.69
- 1.00 Rephresh MQ
- 10.00 ECB (Air Wick, T1)
Total = 0.00. Earned 6.79 ECB for Rephresh and 4.00 ECB for CVS Allergy.
Transaction 3
4 Coke 12 pk - 3.25 each
- 6.79 ECB (Rephresh, T2)
- 4.00 ECB (CVS Allergy, T2)
- 2.00/4 Coke MQ
Total = .23. Earned 3.00 ECB for Sprite.
Transaction 4
2 Skippy Peanut Butter - 1.67 each
- 3.00 ECB (Coke, T3)
Total = .34
Transaction 5
Ritz Crackerfuls - 2.50
- 2.50 Free Crackerfuls CVS Q
Total = 0.00.
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