I don't normally coupon during the week but I made an exception for this! My coupons came in the mail so I ran out and scored all this FREE! And got some ECB in return. This was done on 2 CVS cards.
Saved: $51.90
Savings: 100%
Transaction 1
2 Excedrin PM @ $.99 each
18 Hershey bars @ $1.19 each
Coupons/discounts used:
- $1.19 B2G1 Sale x 6
- $1.19 BOGO Hershey bar MQ x 9
- $5.79 ECB
Total = $0.00. Earned $3.00 ECB for Hershey and $1.98 ECB for Excedrin! Only "lost" $.79 in ECB for this transaction!
Transaction 2
2 Excedrin PM @ $.99 each
18 Hershey bars @ $1.19 each
Suave Dry Shampoo @ $3.49
2 Snapples @ $.79 each
Coupons/discounts used:
- $4/20 purchase CVS store coupon
- $1.19 B2G1 sale x 6
- $1.19 BOGO Hershey MQ x 9
- $3.00 Suave MQ (free product Q)
- $4.00 ECB
Total = $0.00. Earned $3.00 ECB for Hershey and $1.98 ECB for Excedrin. "Made" $.98 off this transaction.
So it all ended up being free! Wasn't planning on picking up the Suave Dry Shampoo but they finally had it back in stock so I went ahead and used my free coupon!
Not too bad for 36 Hershey bars and 4 bottles of Excedrin!
Can I come over to your house? I've eaten my way through my Peanut M&M's stash and would be happy to make a dent in yours ;)