They only had Chicken Parm and no Lasagna or Alfredo so I only did it 4 times. They should get more tomorrow or Monday so I'll go back.
Bought 4 Chicken Parm @ $9.98 each = $39.92
Used 4 of the $2/1 MQ - $8 = $31.92 total OOP
Got 4 Dole Cesar Salad Free @ $3.58 each = $14.32 saved
Got 4 Nesquik Powder Free @ $2.89 each = $11.56 saved
Got 4 HCF Garlic Bread Free @ $1.27 each = $5.08 saved
Got 4 HEB Creamy Creations Strawberry Sherbet Free @ $1.87 each = $7.48 saved
Total OOP was $31.92 and saved $46.44 ($78.36 retail) for a savings of 59%

I have a picture of these items but I purchased other items as well so my actual total was $181.09 before coupons and $131.09 after coupons. Crazy odd that my 22 coupons equaled exactly $50!